Compress 5800i Hybrid Heat Pump Compress 5800i Hybrid Heat Pump Compress 5800i Hybrid Heat Pump
Compress 5800i Hybrid Heat Pump Compress 5800i Hybrid Heat Pump Compress 5800i Hybrid Heat Pump

Compress 5800i Hybrid Heat Pump overview

Co-created with installers and built for fast, simple, plug-and-play installation – the compact CS5800i Hybrid Heat Pump brings electrified heating into your customers' homes. By connecting the boiler and heat pump and optimising how they deliver year-round, low-carbon heating – it's the best of both worlds.


  • Hybrid unit: 499mm H x 330mm W x 170mm D
  • Outdoor unit: 800mm H x 1100mm W x 540mm D

ERP Labels:

ERP Datasheets:

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Flexible – cupboard fit with indoor or outdoor installation options
Space-saving – no buffer tank or additional unit installation
Easy – rapid installation with no system upgrades
Cost-efficient - optimises between heat pump and boiler based on fuel prices
Low carbon – hybrid heating can reduce your customers' carbon footprint

CSH5800iAW O

Width (mm)
Height (mm)
Depth (mm)
Weight (kg)
Rated Airflow
Sound Power Level db(A)
Sound Pressure Level

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