
Install an 8000+ and earn rewards!

Until 31st March 2025, you could receive a £75 gift card when you install and register a Greenstar 8000+ via your loyalty account.​

Choose from:​

  • an Amazon.co.uk Gift Card*,​

  • a Love2Shop e-Gift Card or​

  • The Dining Out Gift Card.​

Plus, you can redeem multiple gift cards if you install more! It's simple, the more you fit, the more rewards you get.​

Allan Cromarty installed an 8000+ and chose a Love2Shop gift card which helped go towards families Christmas gifts last year. Additionally, he let us know: "The customer mentioned how quiet the boiler was in operation compared to the old boiler; he also mentioned the screen cleaning function which he found quite novel!"​

Activate the offer here

Not a Loyalty Scheme member? Register now!

*Restrictions apply, see www.amazon.co.uk/gc-legal

Installer with Boiler

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