Install an 8000+ and earn rewards!
Until 31st March 2025, you could receive a £75 gift card when you install and register a Greenstar 8000+ via your loyalty account.
Choose from:
an Amazon.co.uk Gift Card*,
a Love2Shop e-Gift Card or
The Dining Out Gift Card.
Plus, you can redeem multiple gift cards if you install more! It's simple, the more you fit, the more rewards you get.
Allan Cromarty installed an 8000+ and chose a Love2Shop gift card which helped go towards families Christmas gifts last year. Additionally, he let us know: "The customer mentioned how quiet the boiler was in operation compared to the old boiler; he also mentioned the screen cleaning function which he found quite novel!"
Not a Loyalty Scheme member? Register now!
*Restrictions apply, see www.amazon.co.uk/gc-legal