20 Questions with Alex Swann

This month we spoke with Alex Swann - Development Director for Customer Loyalty at Worcester Bosch. He answered 20 questions for us to get to know him more. Check out his favourite dessert... would you give it a try?


How long have you worked at Worcester Bosch?​

I’m in my 15th year now​

Describe your typical workday in one word.​


Heat pump, hybrid or boiler?​

Hybrid ​

Tea or coffee? ​

No hot drinks for me, a can of coke and I’m happy ​

How would you describe your role to your children?​

I’m like Chandler from Friends, no one really understands what I do. But I tell them I help support thousands of businesses grow with Worcester Bosch ​

What are 2 things you can't live without?​

My wife and 2 girls​

What’s your favourite product that we sell?​

The air con range, I have 2 at home​

What's your go-to lunch? ​

You can’t go wrong with a Tesco meal deal​

What sports team do you support?​

I don’t really do sport​

What is your favourite memory of working at Worcester Bosch?​

Joining installers on our WAI conference trip to Beijing to celebrate 20 years of WAI, great company and a wonderful location

What’s your favourite song?​

Just Jack - The Day I Died​

City break or beach holiday?​

Beach ​

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?​

If you can’t change it, don’t worry about it. ​

Own a yacht or a private plane? ​

Plane ​

Are you more productive in the morning or in the evening? ​

Early morning or late evening are my sweet spots ​

Where’s the best place you’ve travelled to? ​

Egypt on my honeymoon ​

What would you want your last meal on earth to be? Starter, main & dessert! ​

Traditional smoked salmon for starters, a blue steak for main, and a McFlurry with an apple pie stuck in it for dessert​

What’s your go-to karaoke song? ​

I don’t sing, which protects the worlds hearing!​

What was your favourite subject at school?​

History ​

What are you most excited about seeing in the industry this year? ​

The growth of Hybrids, a chance for more of the industry to get involved with electrification


Keep an eye out for more "20 Questions with..." to hear from different people within Worcester Bosch!​

Alex Swann

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