20 Questions with Alex Swann
This month we spoke with Alex Swann - Development Director for Customer Loyalty at Worcester Bosch. He answered 20 questions for us to get to know him more. Check out his favourite dessert... would you give it a try?
How long have you worked at Worcester Bosch?
I’m in my 15th year now
Describe your typical workday in one word.
Heat pump, hybrid or boiler?
Tea or coffee?
No hot drinks for me, a can of coke and I’m happy
How would you describe your role to your children?
I’m like Chandler from Friends, no one really understands what I do. But I tell them I help support thousands of businesses grow with Worcester Bosch
What are 2 things you can't live without?
My wife and 2 girls
What’s your favourite product that we sell?
The air con range, I have 2 at home
What's your go-to lunch?
You can’t go wrong with a Tesco meal deal
What sports team do you support?
I don’t really do sport
What is your favourite memory of working at Worcester Bosch?
Joining installers on our WAI conference trip to Beijing to celebrate 20 years of WAI, great company and a wonderful location
What’s your favourite song?
Just Jack - The Day I Died
City break or beach holiday?
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
If you can’t change it, don’t worry about it.
Own a yacht or a private plane?
Are you more productive in the morning or in the evening?
Early morning or late evening are my sweet spots
Where’s the best place you’ve travelled to?
Egypt on my honeymoon
What would you want your last meal on earth to be? Starter, main & dessert!
Traditional smoked salmon for starters, a blue steak for main, and a McFlurry with an apple pie stuck in it for dessert
What’s your go-to karaoke song?
I don’t sing, which protects the worlds hearing!
What was your favourite subject at school?
What are you most excited about seeing in the industry this year?
The growth of Hybrids, a chance for more of the industry to get involved with electrification
Keep an eye out for more "20 Questions with..." to hear from different people within Worcester Bosch!