20 Questions with Martyn Bridges

This month we spoke with Martyn Bridges – Director of External Affairs here at Worcester Bosch. We quick-fired 20 questions to learn a little more about his interests and opinions on the important stuff… like “what’s your go-to karaoke song?”​

How long have you worked at Worcester Bosch?​

39 years​

Describe your typical workday in one word:​


Heat pump, hybrid, or boiler?​


Tea or coffee?​


In 3 words how do you feel about working at Worcester Bosch?​

It’s still interesting​

What are 2 things you can't live without?​

My family and my dogs​

What’s your favourite product that we sell?​


What's your go-to lunch?​

Cheese & Tomato sandwich and a packet of Walkers cheese & onion

Countryside or City life?​

City life​

What is your favourite memory of working here?​

There are many after such a long time but one of the memorable ones was helping construct exhibition stands at midnight, bribing the security man to keep the lights on when we really should’ve been thrown out​

What’s your favourite song?​

Scott Mckenzie – San Francisco​

On an airplane – aisle or window seat?​

Window seat​

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?​

Sleep on it​

Book or film?​


Are you more productive on a morning or evening?​


Where’s the best place you’ve travelled to?​

New Zealand​

What is your favourite season?​


What’s your go-to karaoke song?​

Is this the way to Amarillo​

At school would you say you were better at Maths or English?​


What are you looking forward to seeing in the industry this year?​

A return to some sort of buoyancy in sales because for the last 2-3 years the industries sales have been down and we can’t quite work out why, so I’d like to see a return to the normal market conditions that we’ve experienced for decades.​

Martyn Bridges Worcester Bosch

Keep an eye out for more "20 Questions with..." to hear from different people within Worcester Bosch!​

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