Picture our Which? Best Buy endorsed boilers working in harmony with our Quiet Mark certified heat pumps and you have the joy of hybrid heating. A smart solution that’s reliable and responsible.

Hello hybrid heating

The home heating dream team – bringing boilers and heat pumps together to offer the best of both worlds.

Hybrid heating is a simple step into new, lower carbon technology. And with millions of homes already hybrid ready, we’re ready when you are. 

Hybrid system diagram

Why choose Worcester Bosch?


Get ahead

Training and support to go from newbie to expert.


Tried and tested

With over 15 years of expertise. Bosch is a established leader in heat pumps.


End-to-end support

We've got your back - with marketing, technical and design teams always on-hand.

Why fit hybrid heat pumps?

Hybrid systems are now recognised as a viable alternative to a sole gas boiler on the journey to net zero. As the technologies continues to grow, you’ll discover more opportunities to install them.

Diversifying now and supporting your customers looking to future proof their homes will open up new opportunities for you.

There are a number of benefits for your customers too for installing a hybrid system, these include:

  • Offers optimised running costs using either the boiler, the heat pump or both
  • Reduced installation size required compared to a sole heat pump installation
  • No need for hot water storage with a combi boiler
  • Reduced appliance cost when adding the hybrid heat pump to an existing system
  • No system changes when retrofitting into existing heating systems with limited remedial works required to the property’s fabric, piping and radiators
  • More familiarity for your customers making their journey into new technology types
  • Futureproofs properties, when installed with our boilers that are able to run on a hydrogen blend they may be converted to hydrogen gas in the future. This also re-assures customers that gas boilers will not be banned from 2025, meaning it’ll be running until the end of its life
  • Allows your customers to improve the fabric of their property over a longer period whilst delivering carbon savings immediately.

Hybrid Heating

What is a hybrid system?

At a glance, a hybrid heating and hot water system is a combination of two or more technologies generating heat together as a low carbon alternative for home heating.

Check out this explainer video from training’s Mike Siviter.

The future of our industry

With the Government’s target to achieve net zero by 2050, we're here to support you with renewable solutions to futureproof your business.

Discover heat pumps and find out more about the future of heating.

Get technical

Get technical

Interested in expanding your business or looking to offer your customers a low carbon heating solution? 

Book a heat pump or hybrid training session

View our Hybrids

Compress 5800i Hybrid Heat Pump

Compress 5800i Hybrid Heat Pump

Co-created with installers and built for fast, simple, plug-and-play installation – the compact CS5800i Hybrid Heat Pump brings easier responsible heating into your customers' homes.

7000i AW Hybrid Heat Pump

7000i AW Hybrid Heat Pump

Our Hybrid 7000iAW delivers the best of both worlds. It allows the integration of a high efficiency low-carbon heat pump with the benefits of a gas combi boiler.