Heat pumps are more popular than ever in the UK. By giving you the chance to simultaneously reduce your carbon footprint and your energy costs, they’re becoming the go-to choice for forward-thinking homeowners. But what exactly are they, how do they work, and are they a good fit for your home?

What is a heat pump?

First thing’s first, a heat pump isn’t just a different type of boiler.

Boilers work by burning fuel (like oil or gas) to heat up water, which is then transferred to your radiators to warm up your home, or to your taps and showers.

Heat pumps don’t burn any fuel, they run on electricity, and work by collecting air from the outdoors and boosting its temperature via compression. This is then passed onto your heating and hot water system, without using any gas or oil.

What is a heat pump?

How do heat pumps work?

Depending which type of heat pump you choose, they work in slightly different ways. There are two main types available in the UK, each with its own pros and cons, and each is suited to different homes:

Air source

If you’ve ever seen a heat pump, it was probably an air source heat pump. They’re the most popular type in the UK. They work by using an outdoor unit that sucks air in via a big fan. The temperature of this air is then compressed, which heats it up without burning any fuel, then once it’s warm enough it’s released into your indoor heating system (your radiators and/or taps and showers.) Air source heat pumps are generally more popular because they’re quicker, easier, and cheaper to install than ground source heat pumps.

Ground source

Ground source heat pumps work by collecting their ambient temperature from underground – rather than above ground fans. Whilst you need more space for the groundworks to install pipes below your garden, the advantage is that it’s a much more stable temperature down there. Ground source heat pumps take longer and cost more to install (plus you need the space for those pipes), but they’re immune to above ground weather so they can operate all year round and you won’t need to use the built-in backup heater.

Choosing the right heat pump

Most UK homes can be kept perfectly warm and comfortable with a heat pump, but choosing the right one and making a smart financial decision will depend on multiple factors.

If you’re thinking about heat pumps, ask yourself these questions to get started:

Heat pumps work best in well-insulated homes. If you live in a modern ‘new build’ type home, then you’re probably already set up for a heat pump. If you live in an older home, then you’ll get better results if you invest in cavity wall and loft insulation, and double glazing. Factor this into your costings.

Air source heat pumps don’t take up much space, and most of the time they don’t require any planning permission. It’s just one unit outside, which sits on the ground or is mounted to the wall. Ground source heat pumps, which require digging to sink the pipes which collect the warmth, need more space and you’ll need to think about where your utilities are (like water pipes, electricity cables etc.)

Whilst heat pumps are a more carbon footprint-friendly option than pretty much anything that burns fuel, they offer the biggest cost savings for homes running on older, G-rated boilers and systems. If you have a newer, more efficient boiler, it may make more sense to get a few more years out of that before investing in a heat pump. You may also want to think about a hybrid system, which can make use of your existing boiler by combining it with a heat pump.

Are you ready for a heat pump?


Find out if your home is right for a heat pump by using our simple checker. Answer a few simple questions and our expert team will be in touch to discuss your options.


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Heat pump installation (how much does it cost?)

Heat pumps are all about the future, they’re designed to save you money over years, not just on next month’s energy bill. You will often pay more for a heat pump installation than a boiler, so you need to think about their long-term savings (plus the environmental benefits). 

An air source heat pump will cost £5,000 – £15,000, depending on whether you need any adjustments to your home. If you’re in a perfectly insulated new build, it’ll be closer to £5,000. If you need a lot of work, expect to pay more.

A ground source heat pump will cost £15,000 – £30,000, depending again on home adjustments but also how you choose to install the pipes. Whilst this can be a lot more money, remember that ground source heat pumps can be used all year round, so you won’t pay extra to use the built-in backup heater. As well as 0% VAT on all installations, homeowners in England and Wales can also use the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to apply for up to £7,500 in grants towards your costs. If you’re in Scotland, it can be up to £9,000.

installer with homeowner and heat pump

Is it worth it?

Many electricity suppliers are also offering specific tariffs which are designed to minimise the cost of running your heat pump.

Whichever type of heat pump and whatever home you have, your heat pump will deliver 4x the amount of heat compared to the electricity it uses to run. With 300% efficiency, you’ll notice savings in your energy bills from day one, and once those savings pay off your installation costs, your heat pump becomes an incredibly cost-effective source of home heating.

Source: https://energysavingtrust.org.uk/advice/in-depth-guide-to-heat-pumps/

How to get the most out of your heat pump

Efficiency is at the heart of heat pump design, but it’s the way you use it that will really determine how low your energy bills can get, and how small your carbon footprint becomes. There are two big things to remember:

Keep your heat pump switched on

Just like you get more miles per gallon in your car when you’re driving steady on the motorway, it’s best to avoid stopping and starting with your heat pump. They’re designed to maintain a constant, consistent, slightly lower temperature than your boiler. If you switch your heat pump off, it can take a long time to get back up to temperature and may end up costing more than if you just left it on in the first place.

Keep an eye on the weather and plan ahead

You can turn your heat pump up or down, but just like switching it off, this’ll affect its efficiency. The best way to make sure your home always stays warm enough is to pay attention to upcoming temperature changes, and then turn your heat pump up or down by a degree or two. This will stop it working overtime and costing you more in the long run.

Is a hybrid system better for my home?


For some people – especially those in older homes, colder areas, or with busy demanding households – a heat pump may not give them enough control. That’s where hybrid heating systems come in. For most of the year, a heat pump will keep your home warm and comfortable and its carbon footprint low, but when you need an immediate boost of heat or lots of hot water at once – a backup boiler picks up the slack.


Find out more about how hybrid heating systems work here