FastTrack Service - Terms and Conditions

1. These Terms 

1.1. These are the terms and conditions under which Bosch Thermotechnology Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales with company number 01993294, whose registered office address is at Cotswold Way, Warndon, Worcester, WR4 9SW United Kingdom (Bosch) provides FastTrack Services (as defined below) to you (the Terms). 

1.2. Please read these Terms carefully before you submit your installation request via the FastTrack webpage. These Terms tell you what services Bosch will provide to you and explains your contractual relationship with the FastTrack Installer (as defined below) and other important information. 

2. FastTrack Services 

2.1. The FastTrack Service is an online solution offering a quick and convenient way for you to have your boiler replaced by a FastTrack Installer (see clause 2.2) up to a Maximum Price (see clause 4) subject to these Terms and to any additional terms of your FastTrack Installer.   

2.2. A FastTrack Installer is an independent installer who is not employed by Bosch but participates in the FastTrack scheme. All FastTrack Installers are part of the Worcester Bosch Accredited Installer scheme, Gas Safe registered and fully trained to install Worcester Bosch boilers.    

2.3. To assess whether you are eligible for a boiler replacement through the FastTrack Service (FastTrack Installation), you will be asked on the FastTrack webpage to provide pictures of your current boiler and installation (including a picture of your hot water cylinder and its installation for system boilers), and answer a series of questions relating to your installation request (see clause 3). 

2.3.1.  If you meet the Eligibility Criteria (see clause 3), Bosch will use its reasonable endeavours to identify a suitable FastTrack Installer for you, provide you with a quotation from this FastTrack Installer and coordinate the Installation Contract (see clause 4 for the quotation details and how to enter into the Installation Contract); 

2.3.2. If you do not meet the Eligibility Criteria or if the pictures you provide are not sufficient to enable us to make a final decision or indicate a high degree of work or complexity necessary to complete the installation of a new boiler, Bosch may provide you with a Quotation from a FastTrack Installer which exceeds the Maximum Price (see clause 4) to reflect the additional work. Alternatively, Bosch may offer you a remote online video inspection of the installation conditions that will be carried out by a member of the FastTrack team (Video Survey, see clause 7), or we may suggest a suitable FastTrack Installer to visit your home to carry out a physical inspection of the installation conditions (Survey Visit, see clause 7). In some instances both a Video Survey and a subsequent Survey Visit may be necessary. 

3. Installation Eligibility Criteria 

3.1 You must meet the following criteria to be eligible for a boiler replacement through the FastTrack Service (the Eligibility Criteria): 

3.1.1 Combi or system boiler The boiler currently installed in your home must be either: a wall hung combi boiler and must be replaced with a new Worcester Bosch wall hung combi boiler as advertised in the FastTrack Packages at; or a system boiler and must be replaced with a new Worcester Bosch system boiler as advertised in the FastTrack Packages at

Where your current boiler is a system boiler, please note our FastTrack Service will only apply in relation to the replacement of the boiler that forms part of the system (subject to eligibility). As part of our FastTrack Services we do not offer the replacement of the hot water storage cylinder that forms part of your heating system. We will not assess or survey your hot water storage cylinder as part of our FastTrack Services to determine whether it is in need of replacement. We will only check it for the purposes of ensuring it is compatible with the replacement boiler model proposed in your FastTrack Package. 

3.1.2 Natural gas The fuel supply to your current boiler must be natural gas. LPG and oil boilers will not be eligible for a FastTrack Service installation. 

3.1.3. Flue type The flue can either exit the building horizontally or vertically from the boiler. Vertical flues must not exit the building through more than two floors and must have safe access via a ladder. 

3.1.4 Boiler location The new boiler must be installed in the same location as the current boiler. If re-location of a boiler is necessary then it will not be eligible for a FastTrack Service installation. 

3.1.5 Current installation regulations Your current boiler must be installed in line with current legal regulations and building standards to be eligible for a FastTrack Service installation. For more details, please refer to the current boiler installation criteria here

3.2. In order to be able to assess whether the Eligibility Criteria are met, you will have to provide Bosch with pictures of the current boiler and installation (including a picture of your hot water cylinder and its installation for system boilers) as requested on the FastTrack webpage when issuing your installation request. Bosch may contact you via telephone and/or email to request additional information or pictures. If Bosch considers that the information provided by you is unsatisfactory and/or if Bosch is still unable to assess whether the Eligibility Criteria are met, Bosch may offer you a Video Survey (see clause 7). If for any reason a Video Survey cannot be arranged, or if Bosch considers that a further inspection is necessary following a Video Survey, Bosch will use its reasonable endeavours to find a suitable FastTrack Installer for a personal Survey Visit at your home (see clause 7).   

3.3. The questions about the Eligibility Criteria must be answered accurately. If, at the time of the FastTrack Installation, the factual or technical situation is different to what is expected according to the pictures sent and answers given relating to the Eligibility Criteria, the FastTrack Installer is entitled, without any liability towards you, to: 

3.3.1. terminate the Installation Contract (see below clause 8) and agree to a new price exceeding the formerly quoted price, and/or reschedule the Installation Date , or, 

3.3.2. terminate the Installation Contract without any new offer. 

Under such circumstances, Bosch shall in no event be held liable. 

4. FastTrack Packages, Quotation and Maximum Prices 

4.1. The FastTrack Packages are displayed in detail on the FastTrack webpage at and include the following: 

(a) Combi boiler FastTrack package 

Boiler model as stated in the respective FastTrack Package 



System cleanse 

Keyless filling link 

Installation service 

Manufacturer’s guarantee on the boiler subject to Bosch’s guarantee terms and conditions (

(b) System boiler FastTrack package 

Boiler model as stated in the respective FastTrack Package 


System cleanse 

Keyless filling link 

Installation service 

Manufacturer’s guarantee on the boiler subject to Bosch’s guarantee terms and conditions (

4.2. The Maximum Price is the maximum price for the entire service package comprising of the respective FastTrack Package including VAT; the quoted price is to be paid to the FastTrack Installer directly. 

4.3. Please note that the Maximum Price is not a fixed price and can vary. It sets the price limit that cannot be exceeded by the FastTrack Installer except as set out in these Terms. 

4.4. If you wish to alter the content of your FastTrack Package (e.g. you do not need a control), please inform Bosch via email to  prior to the submission of your installation request. Bosch will decide whether such alteration is possible. Please note that if you decide to change the boiler model chosen in your FastTrack package, you may need to re-start your application for a FastTrack Installation and/or your revised boiler model may not be eligible for a FastTrack Installation. 

4.5. If you meet the Eligibility Criteria set out in clause 3.1, Bosch will use its reasonable endeavours to find a suitable FastTrack Installer who is able to provide you with the FastTrack Installation on the Installation Date chosen by you. Bosch shall not be held liable in the event that no FastTrack Installer is available. 

4.6. Once Bosch identifies a FastTrack Installer, Bosch will provide you with the FastTrack Installer’s quotation (Quotation) via a phone call and/or email. The Quotation is the FastTrack Installer’s contract offer that the FastTrack Installer has authorised Bosch to deliver to you. 

4.7. The Quotation may refer to the FastTrack Installer’s terms and conditions which are part of the Quotation. Where a FastTrack Installer’s terms and conditions conflict with these Terms, these Terms shall prevail. 

4.8. The Quotation of the FastTrack Installer may exceed the Maximum Price if the installation situation is such that, or if the pictures provided by you (or the results of the Video Survey and/or Survey Visit) indicate that: 

4.8.1 the Eligibility Criteria in clause 3 are not met; 

4.8.2. there will be a high degree of complexity involved, e.g. the gas run has to be upgraded; 

4.8.3. there will be additional cost involved to adhere to applicable laws and/or building regulations; 

4.8.4. you have requested an alteration to the FastTrack Packages (e.g. a power flush or a different control); or 

4.8.5. any other aggravating circumstances leading to additional work or higher cost being involved. 

Where the FastTrack Installer exceeds the Maximum Price, the reasoning for the higher price shall be contained in the Quotation. 

4.9 For system boilers, the Maximum Price only includes the items set out in the FastTrack Package set out in clause 4.1 and shall not cover or include the replacement of the hot water cylinder. The FastTrack Installer’s Quotation may not include replacement of the hot water cylinder under the FastTrack Service. In the event you wish to replace your hot water cylinder, you should separately discuss this with the FastTrack Installer (or any other installer you choose). You will need to request and agree a separate quotation for a replacement hot water cylinder. 

4.10. If, at the time of the FastTrack Installation, the factual or technical situation turns out to be different to the situation as expected according to the pictures sent and answers given relating to the Eligibility Criteria, the FastTrack Installer may terminate the Installation Contract in accordance with clause 3.3. 

5. Installation Contract for the FastTrack Service 

5.1. If you wish to accept the Quotation for the FastTrack Installation, you need to accept the Quotation via email or telephone, as the case may be (Customer Confirmation).  Bosch is authorised to receive your Customer Confirmation on behalf of the FastTrack Installer. Upon receipt of the Customer Confirmation by Bosch, the Installation Date as stated in the Quotation is confirmed and the installation contract between you and the FastTrack Installer is concluded (Installation Contract). Bosch will not become a party to the Installation Contract. 

5.2. Upon receipt of the Customer Confirmation, you will receive confirmation of the  Installation Contract by email together with the contact details of your FastTrack Installer. 

5.3. The FastTrack Installer may contact you by means of telephone, email or WhatsApp prior to the FastTrack Installation to confirm their arrival time and other requirements. 

6. The FastTrack Installation 

6.1 The FastTrack Installation is likely to commence between 8am and 10am on the agreed Installation Date, or as arranged between you and the FastTrack Installer, and is aimed to be completed before 6pm. In the event the installation involves additional and/or unforeseen work or complications, the FastTrack Installation may take longer and the FastTrack Installer will use reasonable endeavours to complete the FastTrack Installation on the following day. 

6.2. You must ensure that you provide the FastTrack Installer access to the location of your boiler and that the boiler is readily accessible during installation. If access and/or parking is restricted or complicated, please notify us at least 72 hours prior to the Installation Date. 

6.3. The FastTrack Installer will take pictures of the completed FastTrack Installation for quality purposes. 

6.4. The FastTrack Installer will provide you with an invoice for the amount provided in the Quotation including VAT following completion of the FastTrack Installation. The full invoice amount is to be paid directly to the FastTrack Installer. 

7. Video Survey and Survey Visit 

7.1. If the pictures sent by you with the installation request show that you do not meet the Eligibility Criteria set out in clause 3, or if Bosch is unable to make a final decision as to the eligibility of your installation conditions on basis of the pictures provided,  Bosch may contact you to offer you a remote online inspection of the installation conditions (Video Survey). The Video Survey will be carried out by a member of the FastTrack team. 

7.2. If you accept a Video Survey, Bosch will use reasonable endeavours to arrange the Video Survey within seven days and at a time suitable for you. You will be sent a link via email or text message to join the Video Survey at the scheduled time. The Video Survey will be carried out on a third party video conference platform nominated by Bosch, currently MX Remote. By agreeing to attend a Video Survey, you consent to Bosch sharing your details with MX Remote for the sole purpose of arranging the video survey. Your access to the third party video conference platform will be subject to any terms of use of that third party platform and Bosch shall in no event be liable for any act or omission of the third party operating the platform. Bosch may invite a FastTrack Installer to additionally join the Video Survey. Bosch may save the video content of the Video Survey, and may share the video and/or video stills with a FastTrack Installer following completion of the Video Survey if Bosch deems this necessary for the purposes of making a final decision as to the eligibility of your installation conditions. 

MX Remote’s terms and conditions can be at the following link: 

7.3. If you decline or are unable to attend a Video Survey, or if following completion of a Video Survey Bosch is still unable to make a final decision as to the eligibility of your installation conditions, Bosch will use reasonable endeavours to find a suitable FastTrack Installer to attend your home for an inspection of the installation conditions (Survey Visit) on a date chosen by you (Inspection Date). 

7.4. Once Bosch identifies a FastTrack Installer, Bosch will confirm the date of the Survey Visit with you via a phone call and/or email and provide you with the FastTrack Installer’s contact details. 

7.5. Based on the outcome of the Video Survey and/or Survey Visit (as the case may be), the FastTrack Installer will make you an offer for the installation of: 

7.5.1 a FastTrack Package not exceeding the Maximum Price; 

7.5.2. a FastTrack Package exceeding the Maximum Price due to any reason as set out in clause 4.8; or 

7.5.3. a different Worcester Bosch boiler. 

7.6. If you wish to accept the offer of the FastTrack Installer pursuant to clause 7.5 after the Video Survey and/or Survey Visit (as the case may be), you will have to directly accept the offer from the FastTrack Installer pursuant to the Installer’s terms and conditions. Bosch will not be involved in the coordination of such installation contract and will not become a party to the installation contract. 

7.7. If you decide not to enter into an installation contract with the FastTrack Installer following the Video Survey and/or Survey Visit, you will not be invoiced for any costs incurred by Bosch or the FastTrack Installer for any Video Survey or the Survey Visit. 

7.8 For system boilers, a Video Survey and a Survey Visit will not assess whether your hot water cylinder needs replacing. The hot water cylinder will only be checked for the purposes of ensuring it is compatible with the replacement boiler model proposed in your FastTrack Package. In the event you wish to replace your hot water cylinder, you should separately discuss this with the FastTrack Installer (or any other installer you choose). You will need to request and agree a separate quotation for a replacement hot water cylinder. 

8. Cancellation 

8.1. Cancellations of FastTrack Installation Contracts, Video Surveys and Survey Visits must be made as soon as possible and not later than two (2) hours prior to the scheduled arrival time of the FastTrack Installer. You may notify us of any such cancellation either via email ( or by phone (telephone number 03330 604 891). 

8.2. Cancellation of a FastTrack Installation Contract 

8.2.1. If the FastTrack Installer is unable to commence the FastTrack Installation on the Installation Date due to personal reasons, such as illness or factors other than technical complications or additional work, Bosch shall, with your consent, attempt to arrange for another installer to carry out the FastTrack Installation on the same day. 

8.2.2. Where such other installer is identified and available, the Installation Contract shall deemed to be terminated and you will be offered a new Installation Contract with an alternative installer. 

8.3. Where such alternative installer is not available, Bosch will try to reschedule the Installation Date with you on behalf of the FastTrack Installer. 

8.3. Cancellation of a Survey Visit or Video Survey 

8.3.1 If the FastTrack Installer is unable to conduct the Survey Visit on the Inspection Date due to personal reasons (e.g. illness), Bosch shall, with your consent, attempt to arrange for another installer to carry out the Survey Visit on the same day, or, if another installer is not available, to reschedule the Survey Visit with you on behalf of the FastTrack Installer. 

8.3.2 If the FastTrack team is unable to conduct the Video Survey at the scheduled time due to personal reasons (e.g. illness), Bosch will reschedule the Video Survey with you.  

8.4. Cancellation of an installation following a Survey Visit 

If you have entered into an installation contract following a Survey Visit pursuant to clause 7 and want to cancel the installation, please contact the FastTrack Installer directly. Please note that in this case the cancellation terms of the FastTrack Installer apply. 

9. Limitation of Liability 

9.1. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Bosch’s liability for 

9.1.1. death or personal injury caused by its negligence, or the negligence of its employees, agents or subcontractors; or 

9.1.2. fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or 

9.1.3. defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987; or 

9.1.4. any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for Bosch to exclude or restrict liability. 

9.2. Bosch is not a party to the Installation Contract and the FastTrack Installer is not subcontracted by Bosch. Bosch shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss caused by the FastTrack Installer whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the Survey Visit or the Installation Contract. 

10. Communication and Data Protection 

10.1. By submitting your installation request, you give your consent to be contacted by Bosch, Bosch’s service provider and the FastTrack Installer via phone and email in relation to the FastTrack Service, e.g. to gather additional information relating to the Eligibility Criteria or arrange for the exact arrival time of the FastTrack Installer. 

10.2. Bosch will process your personal data which you provide for the purposes of the FastTrack Services and forward your personal data to the FastTrack Installer upon you entered into the Installation Contract or confirmed a Survey Visit. The legal basis for Bosch to process your personal data is that the processing is carried out for the legitimate business interests in connection with the FastTrack Services and provision of the respective services. Bosch will not process your personal data for other purposes unless Bosch has a legal basis for doing so. Bosch handles your personal data in a secure and confidential manner and always in accordance with the law, including the Data Protection Act 2018. Bosch will never disclose your personal data to third parties unless there is a legal basis for this. The law provides you with rights in relation to your personal data. To find out more about this and about how Bosch handles your personal data in accordance with the law, please see our Privacy Policy on our website which is updated from time to time as legal requirements change: 

11. Assignment and Subcontracting 

11.1. Bosch may at any time and without any notice assign, transfer, charge, subcontract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement. 

11.2. You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these Terms to another person upon our consent in writing, not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 

12. Third Party Rights 

Unless explicitly stated otherwise in these Terms, these Terms do not give rise to any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of these Terms. 

13. Waiver 

13.1. A waiver of any right or remedy under these Terms or by law is only effective if given in writing and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent right or remedy. 

13.2. A failure or delay by a party to exercise any right or remedy provided under these Terms or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict any further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy provided under these Terms or by law shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.   

14. Severance 

If any provision or part-provision of these Terms is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms. 

15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction 

These Terms are governed by English law and the courts of England and Wales shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with these Terms or their subject matter or formation.