Hybrids in the spotlight - Innovating to Net Zero Report

The latest report published by independent research and technology organisation Catapult Energy Systems, explores how the UK can achieve a cost-effective Net Zero energy system by identifying low carbon products and services.

The Innovating to Net Zero Report highlights the importance of the electrification of heating, identifying hybrid heating solutions as one of the most cost-effective solutions on the pathway to NetZero.

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Hybrid heating

Martyn Bridges, Director of Technical Services at Worcester Bosch, comments...


“The way we heat our homes needs to be flexible if we are to reach our net zero targets. Heat pumps will certainly play a huge part in this, however many homeowners are put off by the disruption and cost of retrofitting properties to accommodate the technology.


This is where hybrid systems can make their mark. By combining a heat pump with a boiler homeowners will ultimately see less disruption and also won’t need to adapt to a new way of heating their homes. We hope our new CS5800i Hybrid Heat Pump helps homeowners across the UK make the shift to low-carbon home heating."


Hybrid heating
Hybrid heating

Keeping you warm all year round

"We continue to see a potentially important value in hybrid heating systems."

The research explains the value and flexibility in the use of hybrid heating systems, which typically combine an electric air to water heat pump with a gas or oil boiler, to ensure that people are warm in their homes even during colder months.

Hybrid systems can be more flexible than standalone heat pumps to accommodate a wider variety of property types, making them a viable option for less thermally efficient homes. Find out more about this reliable and responsible solution.

Find out more about hybrid heating